third round technical interview uh huh oh yeah mmhmmmm give it to me
restate the problem
pseudocode first
"i anticipate that A B C will be things that i need to be careful about: .. "
the computer never does anything wrong. it does what you tell it to do. if you are stuck, you don't know what the computer is being told.
remember: this interview is 60m. if you're stuck for > 10m, you're probably using the wrong strategy.
- prefix sum: preprocessing an array to create a new array where each element at index i represents the sum of the array from the start up to i
- two pointers
- sliding window
- fast & slow pointers
- monotonic stack
- linked list manipulations
- overlapping intervals
- modified binary search
- binary tree manipulations
- dfs / bfs
- matrix traversal
- backtracking
- dp