late night thoughts on creation
human culture as the process of finding increasingly precise ways of making patterns on flat surfaces
human culture as the process of finding increasingly precise ways of boiling water
everything a woman writes is taken as autobiographical. even if it's fiction. if she writes about sex it's her sex life. if she writes about another woman, she's the woman. eeeeeenhhhhhh i hate this
people sample music and resample the sample and resample the resample. nobody would deny that resampling is not only recombination, it's also creation.
starting to smell like kant analytic-synthetic distinction..
- analytic: a proposition whose truth depends solely on the meaning of its terms. a proposition that is true (or false) by definition.
- synthetic: a proposition whose truth depends on how things are in the world, not just on the meanings of the words. 7 + 5 = 12. although we understand what 7, 5, and addition are, we must mentally perform the operation to realize that it equals 12. the truth is not contained solely in the definitions of 7, 5, or addition, but in the process of adding them together.
deleuze "assemblage" (agencement): not the arrangement or organization but the process of arranging, organizing. a proposition that is made true (or false) solely by the conventions of language
"an assemblage is not a set of predetermined parts (such as the pieces of a plastic model aeroplane) that are then put together in order or into an already-conceived structure (the model aeroplane). nor is an assemblage a random collection of things, since there is a sense that an assemblage is a whole of some sort that expresses some identity and claims a territory. an assemblage is a becoming that brings elements together."
alice today over the phone: "this is gonna sound so stupid but .. i feel like i like law at least in part because there's so much context. you're never pulling an idea out of the air. law is argued by analogy, by example.."